Our Projects

Nakau works with customary landowners and Indigenous communities across the Pacific Islands to protect and restore forests and other ecosystems through carbon and nature projects.

We partner with local NGOs and governments, and work within local governance systems to ensure all projects are owned by the customary landholders.

Our Nakau Methodology supports people to protect and restore their natural environment in a way that also supports their right to a sustainable future.

Sasmunga Choiseul Nakau


On South Choiseul in the Solomon Islands, tribes from the Babatana language group are choosing to protect their rainforests and support their community.

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The Drawa community on Vanua Levu were one of the first Pacific communities to use the Nakau Methodology to protect their forest.

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In East Santo, the Serakar Clan are the traditional custodians of a small but important section of remnant rainforest that connects the community with the sea.


Nakau is developing new projects in collaboration with local partners and communities in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa and Papua New Guinea.